Your Dental Health

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May 27, 2009


Utah - Utah

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Your mouth is the gateway to your body. This being so, your overall health and well being depends largely on the quality of your dental health. Your teeth enable you to chew food, speak clearly and give you a winning smile. These are all things that can easily be taken for granted, until they are taken away. An active approach to oral hygiene can help you keep those things that you don't want to live without. Every day your teeth should be cleaned and protected from harm. Plaque is a filmy substance that accumulates on the teeth, which if not removed daily can soon harden and become tartar. Tartar can only be removed by a dental professional. Plaque and tartar buildup can cause cavities which erode teeth, and gingivitis, a gum disease that causes swelling and bleeding of the gums. The simple act of brushing and flossing your teeth will remove most plaque buildup; however, regular visits to the dentist are essential. The dentist can help you maintain good dental health by identifying problems and reducing the risk of them becoming worse. People should still regularly see a dentist even if they have no natural teeth and wear dentures. Dental health plans are designed to help people be proactive with their dental health. By identifying and dealing with dental problems before they start to cause pain, you will enjoy better dental health for a longer period of time.

This article was written by Brian J. Anderson, Anderson Benefits. He can be reached at 801-363-9575

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Natural Teeth Whitening: Expert Tips for Whiter Teeth

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Healthcare Directives

Healthcare Directives are valuable to people in all walks of life. As you read this article, consider obtaining one for yourself.A Healthcare Directive is a tool to designate a health care agent, or someone to make health care decisions on your behalf. It goes into effect upon your inability to make or communicate health care decisions. If you fail to appoint someone to fill this role, the court will appoint a guardian, which may create a costly legal process. If you have Healthcare Directive, you are able to choose the person who will determine what treatments and health care you will receive, including end-of-life or palliative care decisions. Your health care agent makes surrogate decisions, which means that they step in your shoes and make the decisions that you would make on your own if you were able to do so.Ideally, surrogate decisions should be based on your input and the specific preferences you communicated before any loss of decision-making capacity. It should be based on a prior understanding your health care preferences and what you would want under the circumstances. Healthcare Directives are intensely personal documents. When thinking about creating your own, consider:Your values and how they may be reflected in your health care;Your priorities;What life means to you personally; andHow important quality of life is to you.Are there certain conditions that are worse than death to you? Would you undergo a risky procedure if it had a low chance of survival? What if that same procedure had a high chance of survival but would permanently lower your quality of life? How long would you like to be on life support? Its never fun to think about these things, but by selecting a health care agent and informing them of your preferences, you are preparing for the worst-case scenario and ensuring that your wishes will be followed. Clearly, the consequences of having or not having a Healthcare Directive can be huge, which is why we so strongly advocate that everyone, regardless of age or health, have one in their estate plan. Please dont leave your relatives to fumble in the dark if the unthinkable happens and you are unable to make your own health care decisions. Again, while an Healthcare Directive will be helpful to you in the future, you might have an elderly relative who is in need of one right now. So, whether you need one for yourself or for a loved one, contact us today at (385)334-4030 or send an email to to set up your free consultation to determine your specific needs.