How Men (and Women) Can Live Longer


Healthcare Network Southwest Florida

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May 22, 2024


Florida - Southwest

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By Dr. Reinier Ramirez

The pandemic resulted in many unfortunate outcomes, one of which was a drop in the average life expectancy for men. The number, at 76.1 years, was the lowest since 1996.

While COVID-19 accounted for nearly 74% of the decline of life expectancy in 2019 to 2020, it was not the leading cause of death for men. That distinction falls on conditions that have been prevalent for decades:

·      Heart disease: Since 1950, heart disease has consistently been the leading cause of death in the U.S for both men and women.

·      Cancer: Cancer-related deaths are higher for men than women, mainly from lung, prostate, pancreatic and colon cancer.

·      Stroke: Strokes and stroke deaths tend to affect women more than men. However, more than 62% of these deaths are for people 65 and over.

·      Obesity: Obesity is closely related to an increased risk of severe outcomes from heart disease and cancer, further complicating the health landscape.


There is some good news. If men act immediately, it’s not too late to improve their health, as well as their life expectancy. Some simple steps can help reduce the risk of death from all the above conditions (and more):

·      Quit smoking: Tobacco use is associated with a higher risk of heart disease and many other diseases.

·      Eat healthily: Diets should include more fruit, vegetables, fiber and fish. Cut back on saturated fats and red meat.

·      Get moving: Increase your heart rate with 30 minutes of exercise five times a week.

·      Watch your weight: Inflammation caused by extra weight is associated with bad health.

·      Monitor (and manage, if necessary) the measurables: Cholesterol and blood pressure are easy to track.

·      Drink less alcohol: High consumption has been linked to colon and rectal cancer, among other diseases.

The best advice? Go to the doctor for regular checkups and screening tests. Many diseases can be treated if caught early. In addition, physicians partner with patients to create an action plan focused on better overall health and wellness.

COVID-19 offered a good lesson for men that can be applied to overall longevity – researchers believe one of the reasons COVID-19 caused men to get sicker and die often more than women was compliance. Simply put, women were found to be more willing to follow public policy measures, such as mask-wearing and social distancing, than men. No surprise, women are also more likely to get regular health screenings and actually listen to the expert advice of physicians.

In 2024, many people have backed off COVID-19 precautions, but they are still important to you. Most deaths from the disease are in people 65 and over, with the highest mortality rate from the disease in adults aged 85 and over.

Another factor that impacts longevity is accidents. While “unintentional injuries,” like car accidents, drug overdoses and drownings, are a more common cause of death for people under the age of 45, falls and accidental overdoses are more common for older people.

Some of the same recommendations for reducing risk for other diseases apply for reducing the risk of accidents:

·      Improve strength, balance and coordination with exercise to reduce the risk of falling.

·      Drink less, as alcohol contributes to approximately 40% of residential fire deaths. It can also lead to falls and motor vehicle crashes.

·      Get your eyes checked once per year to reduce your risk of falls and vehicular accidents.

·      Improve lighting for easier navigation to reduce the risk of falls.

·      Reduce your risk of residential fire death by installing smoke alarms and testing the devices once per month.

·      Review medications with your healthcare provider. Make sure you understand what drugs can and cannot be mixed with your medications.

Men’s Health Month was started in 1994 to increase awareness of the importance of early detection and treatment of diseases and conditions in men. Despite that added attention, many health problems among men have become worse!

Become aware of the risks and what you can do to reduce them. Life is worth defying the odds.

About the Author

Reinier Ramirez, MD is a family care provider and the Medical Director of Adult Medicine at Healthcare Network, a nonprofit with a mission to provide quality healthcare accessible to everyone, regardless of job, income, or insurance. Visit for more information.

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Healthcare Network

Physicians 12655 Collier Blvd,, Naples, Florida, 34116

Healthcare Network is dedicated to providing high-quality, accessible healthcare to everyone in Collier County, regardless of job, income, or insurance status. Our comprehensive services include children's care, pediatric convenient care, family care, women's care, senior care, dental care, behavioral health, pharmacy, and specialty services.As Southwest Floridas premier patient-centered medical and dental home, our providers work collaboratively as a care team to deliver the highest level of coordinated care for patients of all ages. Since 1977, our private, not-for-profit model has been effective in meeting the healthcare needs of the community. We rely on philanthropic support to ensure we continue to achieve our vision of a community where every person has access to affordable and appropriate healthcare.Healthcare Network is committed to delivering culturally competent care, addressing health disparities, and supporting the overall wellness of our patients. Join us on our mission to make healthcare more accessible and to create a healthier community for all.