Nourishing Your Golden Years: Supplements for Aging Gracefully


Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN

For more information about the author, click to view their website: Kathleen Warshawsky

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Jan 22, 2024


Texas - Dallas, Collin, SE Denton & Rockwall Counties

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Nourishing Your Golden Years: Supplements for Aging Gracefully

As we gracefully embrace the golden years, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize our health and well-being. Aging brings about various changes in our bodies, and one way to support ourselves through this journey is by incorporating essential supplements into our daily routines. Here are five key supplements associated with supporting different aspects of aging.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Nurturing Your Mind and Heart

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their multifaceted benefits, particularly in supporting cognitive function and heart health. As we age, maintaining mental sharpness and cardiovascular well-being becomes paramount.


·      Anti-Inflammatory: Omega-3s possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

·      Heart Health: Regular intake is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and improved overall cardiovascular function.

·      Cognitive Support: Omega-3s play a crucial role in supporting brain health and may contribute to maintaining cognitive function.


·      Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3s.

·      Fish Oil Supplements: Convenient supplements for those seeking an extra boost.

·      Algae-Based Supplements: Ideal for vegetarians and vegans, providing a plant-based alternative.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin for Bone Health and Immunity

Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune system support. As we age, ensuring adequate vitamin D levels becomes crucial for maintaining overall well-being.



·      Crucial for Bone Health: Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, promoting strong and healthy bones.

·      Immune Support: Adequate vitamin D levels are associated with a strengthened immune system.



·      Sunlight: Limited exposure to sunlight allows the skin to naturally produce vitamin D.

·      Fortified Foods: Some foods, such as fortified dairy and cereals, can contribute to vitamin D intake.

·      Vitamin D Supplements: Especially important for individuals with limited sun exposure.


Calcium: Building and Preserving Strong Bones

Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining strong and healthy bones. As we age, the risk of osteoporosis increases, making calcium supplementation an integral part of senior health.



·      Essential for Bone Health: Calcium is a primary building block for bones, preventing the development of osteoporosis.

·      Osteoporosis Prevention: Adequate calcium intake helps in preventing bone density loss.



·      Dairy: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich sources of dietary calcium.

·      Leafy Greens: Broccoli, kale, and collard greens offer plant-based calcium.

·      Fortified Foods: Some foods, like fortified orange juice, provide additional calcium.

·      Calcium Supplements: Especially recommended for those with dietary restrictions or difficulty meeting calcium needs through food alone.


Vitamin B12: Sustaining Nerve Function and Cognitive Maintenance

Vitamin B12, a vital nutrient found primarily in animal products, plays a crucial role in nerve function, red blood cell production, and cognitive maintenance. As we age, ensuring adequate B12 levels becomes essential for overall health.



·      Nerve Function: B12 supports the health of the nervous system, aiding in proper nerve function.

·      Red Blood Cell Production: Essential for the production of healthy red blood cells.

·      Cognitive Maintenance: B12 is associated with cognitive health, potentially reducing the risk of cognitive decline.



·      Meat, Fish, and Eggs: Animal products are rich sources of B12.

·      Dairy: Milk and cheese also contain B12, albeit in smaller amounts.

·      B12 Supplements: Particularly important for individuals with limited animal product intake, ensuring sufficient B12 levels.


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Powering Your Cells and Protecting Your Heart

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is a naturally occurring antioxidant that supports cardiovascular health and energy production at the cellular level. As we age, the body's natural production of CoQ10 may decline, making supplementation beneficial.



·      Antioxidant Properties: CoQ10 acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative stress.

·      Cardiovascular Support: Regular intake is associated with improved heart health and overall cardiovascular function.

·      Energy Production: CoQ10 plays a key role in cellular energy production, supporting vitality.



·      Meat and Fish: Beef, chicken, and fatty fish are dietary sources of CoQ10.

·      Whole Grains: Certain whole grains also contain CoQ10, albeit in smaller amounts.

·      CoQ10 Supplements: Convenient supplements for those looking to ensure optimal CoQ10 levels.


Embracing the golden years involves a holistic approach to health and well-being. Incorporating these five supplements—omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12, and Coenzyme Q10—into your daily routine can provide comprehensive support for various aspects of aging. As always, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your supplement regimen, ensuring that your choices align with your individual health needs. With the right combination of nutrition, lifestyle choices, and supplementation, you can empower yourself to age gracefully and enjoy the golden years to the fullest.


Author: Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional healthcare advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

The author, Kathleen Warshawsky, BSN, RN, is a registered nurse, but the content presented here is based on general knowledge and should not be considered a personalized medical recommendation. Individual health needs vary, and only a qualified healthcare professional can provide advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

Before initiating any changes to your supplement regimen or overall health practices, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that they are appropriate for your individual health status and medical history. The author and any associated entities are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information provided in this article.

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To ensure that sunscreen is evenly applied, use about an oz (a shot glass) worth of sunscreen or enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. Wear appropriate clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing that covers as much skin as possible, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants. Consider sun protective clothing with UV blocking fabric. Seek shade: Stay under the shade as much as possible and always use an umbrella, tent, or other porous objects to provide shade. Again, avoid being in the midday sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when UV rays are the strongest. Wear a hat: Wearing a wide-brimmed hat is a great way to protect your face, ears, and neck from the sun. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water being in the sun can be dehydrating. Dont be fooled by cloudy weather: UV radiation can still damage your skin, even on a cloudy day. It is important always to apply sunscreen when going outside for an extended period. Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Opens in a new window), skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S., and it affects millions of people every year. It is caused by damage to the skin cells caused by the sun's harmful UV rays. CDC research show that certain people carry risk factors that make them more susceptible to skin cancer (Opens in a new window). Whether you have risk factors for cancer or not, there are plenty of ways to protect your skin from the sun and prevent skin cancer: Monitor your medications: Some medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. If you are taking any prescription drugs, talk to your doctor, or pharmacist, about the potential side effects and how to protect your skin. Live a healthy lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress can all have a positive effect on your skin. By living a healthy lifestyle, you can give your skin the best chance of staying healthy and avoiding skin cancer. Avoid Tanning Beds: If you're looking to get a tan, skip the tanning bed and opt for a self-tanner instead. Tanning beds expose your skin to harmful UV rays, increasing your risk of skin cancer. Get Regular Skin Checks: Schedule regular appointments with a dermatologist to have your skin checked for any signs of skin cancer. Catching it early can greatly improve your chances of successful treatment. Protect. Protect. Protect: As mentioned above, some of the most proactive steps you can take to protect yourself from skin cancer is to seek the shade; avoid the suns UV rays when they are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm; wear sun protective clothing; and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.  Call today for more information 303-300-6666.

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Dont Let a Stroke Ruin Your RetirementYour risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease increases as you age. But the good news is 80% of stroke and cardiovascular disease CAN be prevented.1 If you are age 50 or older, you should be screened.Often there arent any symptoms of a stroke before it occurs, in fact for 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke the first symptom of any illness is the actual stroke.2 But, you can take steps to find out if youre at risk.Life Line Screening is a premier provider of preventive screenings for stroke and cardiovascular disease risk. A simple appointment can identify your risk factors and provide peace of mind or early detection.Screenings are easy, painless, non-invasive and dont require any messy prep work.Life Line Screening has over 14,000 locations across the United States so you can find one close to you.Getting screened is affordable. The most popular package at Life Line Screening includes 5 screenings in 1 appointment for $149.Get the most out of your life! Find out your stroke and cardiovascular disease risk with Life Line Screening so you can be in control and do something about it.***CLICK HERE*** to schedule your appointment! A simple screening can be worth a lifetime.1 American Heart Association Hackam DG, Karpral MK, et al. Most stroke patients do not get a warning, a Population Based Cohort Study. Sept. 2009. Neurology, 73, 1074-1075.

STAP (Specialized Telephone Assistive Program)

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If You Have A Hearing, Vision Or Mobility Problems Accessing Or Using A Telephone - You May Qualify For A Free Telephone! 4 out of 5 Americans over the age of 60 have some hearing, vision or mobility loss. There is help however and it is paid for by you through a government program called STAP, Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program, by a small charge each month on your telephone bill. Why not take advantage of a benefit youre paying for already? Contact Laura Carr, STAP to learn more about this program and show you what equipment youre eligible to receive FREE OF CHARGE! To qualify, you must be a Texas resident with a problem with vision, hearing or mobility. You are entitled to one FREE phone every 5 years. You can get a cell phone, landline, smartphone or tablet, depending on your disability. Must provide proof of residency. Acceptable forms of residency include:*  Texas Drivers License*   ID card with address*   Voters Registration card*   Letter from facility on their stationery*   Utility Bill (current - showing address)*   Vehicle registration card*   Medicaid ID*   Medicare Summary This program is for any Texas Resident that has a Vision, Hearing, Mobility- including cognitive problems.  They are entitled to FREE telephone equipment (just the device) and they have to pay their monthly charges to their telephone service provider.  Depending on their impairment, they may qualifiy for a Landline Telephone with a medical alert system; a Regular Cell Phone (where they can make calls, text, take photos including a medical alert button on the back.  If they have a hearing problem, they can receive a 2-way texting device - an Android Smart Phone or Android Tablet.  They have to provide their proof of residency for the State of Texas:  a current drivers license, Texas ID, Voters Registration Card or a Utility bill showing their name & current address & date.   Laura can assist with completing an application, take a photo of their proof of residency - attach to their signed application & send it to STAP headquarters in Austin, Texas.  The State processes their application & mails the Voucher for the equipment, directly to the Resident.  Once they receive the Voucher, they contact Laura and she will deliver the equipment that is authorized on the voucher to the Resident.  NO MONEY CHANGES HANDS. Laura Carr, STAP Specialist has worked with this program for 16 years.Contact Laura at 214-388-0088 or