Retirement Planning


Stone Law, LLC

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Aug 12, 2021


Colorado - Northern Colorado

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We spend time and money investing in our retirement. And when the time comes to retire, we usually have plans for traveling, visiting family and friends, golfing, or just relaxing anywhere we can after many years of hard work.
With careful and strategic estate planning, you can maximize your retirement benefits and ensure that your assets are protected for future generations.

Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad and Veterans Benefits
There are many benefits availablefrom social security and supplemental security income, to benefits specifically for veterans and railroad workers. Figuring out how to apply, filling out the application, and understanding the appeals process if your initial application for benefits is denied, can be tricky. Even knowing when you are eligible and for what services or funds can be tricky. At Stone Law, we work with you to determine what you are eligible for and we provide assistance through the whole process, starting with your initial application through to any possible appeals.
Pensions, 401k Plans, IRAs and Roth Retirement Plans
Knowing which retirement plans and accounts you have, when and how distribution of funds work, who your beneficiaries are, and how to manage these assets is important. Depending on the amount of money available and invested, decisions will need to be made to plan for what happens after you pass away.

Simply leaving the money to your spouse, partner or children named as beneficiaries might not be enough. Estate taxes and other financial issues might arise for your family. With proper estate planning, you can maximize your hard work and reap the benefits for years to come. Call today for an appointment and we will work with you to ensure you have the right estate planning in place, whether that means starting from scratch or working with existing estate plan documents.

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Senior Bone Health: Vitamin D Benefits

As we age, maintaining bone health becomes increasingly crucial, helping to ensure mobility, independence, and a high quality of life. A key player in this aspect of our well-being is vitamin Doften dubbed the 'sunshine vitamin.' This essential nutrient plays an indispensable role in maintaining bone density and aiding calcium absorption, ensuring our bones stay strong and healthy. All About Vitamin DVitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is a powerhouse essential for many bodily functions. Its most crucial task involves promoting calcium absorption in the gut and maintaining adequate calcium and phosphate concentrations in the body. These actions ensure the normal mineralization of bones. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become brittle, thin, or misshapen. How Vitamin D Prevents Osteoporosis and FracturesOsteoporosis is a serious problem for many seniors. It's characterized by a decrease in bone density, leading to fragile bones and an increased risk of fractures. Thankfully, vitamin D can serve as an effective prevention tool. Regular vitamin D intake helps maintain bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and slowing the progression of osteoporosis. Of course, always consult with your doctor if you're looking for ways to prevent osteoporosis and other health issues. Sources of Vitamin DSo, where can you get this essential vitamin? Our body produces vitamin D naturally when exposed to sunlight. For seniors, a daily exposure to the sun of 15-20 minutes can significantly aid in vitamin D production. Of course, one must ensure safe sun practices, like wearing a hat, protective clothing, and sunscreen on exposed skin to avoid sunburns.Dietary sources offer another avenue of vitamin D intake. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and beef liver are rich in vitamin D. Incorporating these into your daily diet can significantly contribute to maintaining your vitamin D levels.The Importance of Regular Vitamin D Intake What happens when the body doesn't get enough vitamin D? Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis). It's vital, especially for seniors, to regularly monitor vitamin D levels and maintain adequate intake to prevent such health challenges. Regular screenings, a balanced diet, and safe sun exposure can help ensure you're getting enough of this crucial vitamin. Of course, talk to your healthcare provider about any major changes to your diet or supplements you're taking. Senior Helpers Provides Essential Care for SeniorsAt Senior Helpers Fort Collins, we understand the importance of bone health for seniors and are committed to providing services that enhance the lives of our clients. Whether you live in Fort Collins, Englewood, Littleton, Lone Tree, or Longmont, we are here to support you on your health journey. We can offer assistance with meal prep, help seniors keep up with their dietary requirements, or offer companionship services that can enhance seniors' quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you or your loved ones in maintaining a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

Estate Plan Check-Ups

Estate Plan Check-UpsEffective estate planning is personal, and its more than just deciding who to leave your assets to once you die.  Effective estate planning  is a comprehensive process that encompasses pre-need planning: health care decisions, financial management, and maintaining a delicate balance between independence and security.  Like your preventive doctor visits, you should regularly check in on your estate plan to ensure it fits your current needs, considers and plans for potential future care needs, and will give effect to your wishes now and in the future. Generally, estate planning involves creating a last will and testament, possibly a revocable trust, possibly an asset protection trust or a supplemental needs trust for a loved one who is unable to manage finances or may be vulnerable to abuse or exploitation.  Estate planning also involves important advanced directives, such as a durable financial power of attorney, a health care power of attorney, and a living will.   Creating an estate plan, or getting my affairs in order, tends to be an item on our to-do lists, for us to get done and move on to the next thing. However, while it may not be something you have to look at every month, or even every year, once your initial estate plan is completed, it is something that needs to be reviewed with some regularity.Most people get an annual physical when they are healthy, not when they are sick. They do this because they want to proactively spot any issues that could cause them to become ill in the future. The same concept can and should be applied when it comes to reviewing and updating your estate plan. Your estate plan may be healthy now, but you want to make sure that it stays that way by checking it regularly, to ensure it fits your needs and family circumstances, protects and provides for you now, and  accomplishes your goals and wishes in the future. Editors Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.  This article was submitted by Ashley Day, Esq.  Ashley Day Law, LLC.  Reach her at 251-277-3377. 

Nurturing Harmony in Caregiving: Open Communication and Conflict Prevention

Caring for aging parents involves crucial decisions regarding who will provide the necessary care and in what setting. However, these decisions can often give rise to conflicts among family members, particularly when one sibling assumes the role of primary caregiver. Through our work with clients and families, we frequently encounter these stressful and emotionally charged situations, creating a perfect storm for family disputes and distress.Reflecting on recent consultations with families, it becomes apparent that a key factor contributing to conflicts is the failure of aging parents to openly express their wishes and expectations regarding potential scenarios. When parents do not communicate their desires early and consistently, adult children are left to speculate about their parents preferences, leading to differences of opinion and sibling conflicts. To prevent such difficulties, we urge you to initiate conversations with your adult children about what if scenarios and discuss your wishes and preferences openly. This proactive effort can serve as your conflict prevention plan, saving you and your loved ones from engaging in conflict resolution in the future.In situations where a family member becomes a paid caregiver, it is essential to establish a formal caregiver agreement. This agreement serves multiple purposes, including clarifying the financial aspects of the care being provided. By having a caregiver agreement in place, you can prevent misunderstandings and promote a harmonious caregiving environment within your family. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and understands the expectations and parameters involved.Above all, open and honest communication is the key to fostering understanding and preventing conflicts among family members. We strongly recommend engaging in conversations early and frequently to address concerns, preferences, and potential challenges that may arise in caregiving situations. By doing so, you can promote a supportive and respectful environment where everyones needs are acknowledged and considered.At Bellomo & Associates, we believe in nurturing harmony within families facing caregiving challenges. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive estate planning and elder law services that cater to your unique circumstances. Start the conversation with your adult children today, discussing your wishes, expectations, and potential what if scenarios. Visit our website to learn more about how we can support you and register for our free educational workshop. Let us help you pave the way for peaceful resolutions and a smoother caregiving journey.

Local Services By This Author

Stone Law, LLC

Estate Planning 430 E 6th Street, Loveland, Colorado, 80537

At Stone Law, we support you and your family with any aging and disability concerns. We can help make sure you have a solid plan for these and other what ifs to give you peace of mind. Our primary goal is to advocate for the elderly so no one can take advantage or manipulate a situation to their benefit. We aim to make sure your needs and wishes are met. We will always be sensitive to your needs and emotion. We also recognize that issues and concerns are broader than simply addressing legal needs and can help facilitate partnerships with other helpful agencies.