Six Essentials for a Higher Quality of Life with Parkinsons Disease


The Windsor of Venice

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Dec 20, 2022


Florida - Sarasota, Bradenton & Charlotte Counties

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At Legend Senior Living, we observe National Parkinson’s Month every April, and it’s a special month for us, because many residents face the challenges of living with Parkinson’s Disease. If you’re new as a caregiver, loved one or a patient yourself, the path ahead may seem obscure, complex and uncertain. We’re offering a primer on a few resources we’ve found essential for living at home with Parkinson’s and for providing care and support to a loved one with Parkinson’s.

Education – Know the Symptoms and Causes

The first important thing to know and to keep at the top of your mind and heart is that a very good quality of life may be maintained with Parkinson’s. The disease itself is not fatal but can cause serious complications. Next, never attempt a diagnosis on your own, as with any health-related symptoms. Rely on your doctor and seek immediate advice. With that in mind, here’s a general list of symptoms from the Parkinson’s Foundation:

Tremor (shaking) usually at rest, often in a characteristic "pill rolling" motion of the thumb and forefinger, among other forms.

Bradykinesia – sluggish movement

Limb rigidity

Gait and balance problems

Those are the more obvious "motor" or movement-related symptoms. Others less obvious: apathy, depression, constipation, sleep behavior disorders, loss of sense of smell and cognitive impairment.

Parkinson’s destroys dopamine-producing nerve cells – neurons – in the the brain stem. There’s no cure for Parkinson’s or recovering the nerve cells, but patients can respond very well to treatment. This is the most basic description of Parkinson’s and its effects. The wealth of research and advice from Parkinson’s patients would fill a good-sized library.

The Parkinson’s Foundation is one single source for comprehensive information on care, treatment, support, research – virtually everything Parkinson’s-related. Rely on their website at for a more detailed description of the disease and ways to manage it.

Authoritative resources for Parkinson’s patients and their families:

Mayo Clinic

American Brain Society 


Dealing with Parkinson’s is not a solo endeavor. Even the most self-reliant among us find that help from a spouse, loved ones and friends is essential for both the physical and mental challenges. Sometimes comfort and reassurance is as key as physical therapy. Professional caregivers bring the advantage of skilled, experienced care that can take some of the mystery and fear out of the symptoms. These are generally compassionate, committed people who are also good company. There is, however, no substitute for a friend or relative close to the patient being knowledgable and engaged in their treatment and therapy. This can be a time of growth, sharing the achievements and the struggles. There’s much support for family caregivers in the Parkinson’s support organizations and in the medical community. offers a very comprehensive guide for caregivers: Caring for Seniors with Parkinson’s Disease: Advice for families and caregivers.

Support Group

The support online or in live groups near you is usually free, confidential, thorough and gives a personal angle on care and self-help that you may not get from the medical community.

Parkinson’s Foundation Helpline specialists help people with PD, caregivers and healthcare providers navigate every aspect of Parkinson’s, offering emotional support, sharing current PD-related medical information and guiding callers to local resources. The Helpline is available at (800) 4PD-INFO (473-4636) or 

Patient Safety Kit The Aware in Care hospital kit protects, prepares and empowers people with Parkinson’s before, during and after a hospital visit. It contains tools and information to share with hospital staff during a planned or emergency hospital visit.

Parkinson’s Foundation Expert Briefings offer first-hand access to Parkinson’s research and care leaders. Each free, hour-long online seminar offers practical tips for managing PD from experts.

Podcasts Episodes on medication delivery methods, exercise, clinical trials and nutrition.

PD Conversations A forum for those going through similar experiences, with subgroups for newly diagnosed, symptoms, caregiving, español and others.

Bookstore: A large collection of Parkinson’s disease publications to order (many free) or download on PD symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, research and ways to live well.

PD Library provides a free search engine that lets you search broadly or narrow your search to specific topics and is certain to turn up a wealth of sources.

Physical Therapist or Trainer

You’ll want a specialist who knows the particulars of Parkinson’s Disease. Physical therapy can achieve remarkable results if your therapist has a comprehensive program for you. Johns Hopkins Medicine lists all of the following:

Amplitude Training – This is generally repeated exercise in which you make exaggerated, "big" physical movements, like high steps and arm swings. The goal is to counteract hyperkinesia, or the small shuffling movements common to PD. Similar "big" exercises may be done for the voice.

Reciprocal Training – Reciprocal means equal movement on both sides, like swinging your arms while you walk, which Parkinson’s can affect. A recumbent bicycle or elliptical machine may be useful, but without machine assistance, just walking with a focus on the arm swing is very effective. So are dancing and tai chi.

Balance and Gait – Let your therapist guide you to improve balance and confidence in walking. The therapist will recognize the issues and give you specific ways to compensate.

Stretching and Strength – Stiff hips, hamstrings and calves are common to Parkinson’s. Daily work with a trainer is recommended. Strength training is great for any senior to prevent muscle atrophy, but especially important for Parkinson’s patients.

Psychologist or Counselor

We’ve focused a lot on the physical aspects of Parkinson’s, but the need for treating the mind and spirit is equally compelling. Some of the psychological challenges more apparent to caregivers and loved ones also have biomedical origins: dementia, hallucination and disorientation. Others are typical feelings of depression and anxiety that are aggravated and exaggerated by living with Parkinson’s. Severe anxiety is common and may take the caregiver by surprise. A qualified therapist with a specialty in Parkinson’s will be invaluable to both caregiver and patient. Consult your primary physician first for an assessment and referral.

See: “Tips for Daily Living: 6 Psychotherapy and Counseling Myths, Debunked” on

Purposefully Designed Living Space

Adapting your home for living with Parkinson’s can seem daunting if you try to do everything at once. It may be advisable to begin in the early stages and gradually modify your living space with features you know you’ll need eventually. Johns Hopkins provides a succinct list of essential adaptations, by no means exhaustive, but certainly bases you’ll want to cover:

Overall Safety – smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential on every floor. You should avoid space heaters and electric blankets, which can be fire hazards.

Communication Ease – Easy-to-reach phones with oversized buttons and a voice amplifier are smart additions, along with a list of emergency numbers.

Adaptive Products – Your therapist can recommend assistive living devices to help with simple tasks that may become progressively more challenging: pen grips, reach-and-grab devices, canes and a walker or wheelchair.

Safer Living Areas –  Handrails along walls and stairs are essential. Furniture should be arranged to allow more freedom of movement and escape routes from enclosed areas.

Adapted Kitchen – Switch foods and beverages to smaller, easier-to-handle containers. Consider special easy-to-grip forks and spoons, a lowered countertop and generally wheelchair-level access.

Bed and Bath – Bedrails and grab bars on the bath are useful, and clear a path between the bed and bathroom, with a nighlight for both. Showers are better than tubs for getting in and out.

Residences Designed for Senior Living

This is where a purposefully designed residence relieves many seniors in need of assisted living  of the hassle of converting the home to a more mobility-friendly place. A well-designed senior living residence will have wider halls without sharp corners to make for unobstructed navigation. Apartments will already be fully equipped with emergency call systems, and bathrooms, bedrooms and storage built for easy access on walkers.

Generally, senior health is the focus of an Assisted Living and Memory Care residence like those of Legend Senior Living. So, residents often needn’t hire separate caregivers or home nursing for the particular demands of Parkinson’s. Family members find it much easier to visit and dine with their loved ones. As purposefully designed as the residence is, so are the activities that promote movement and mental stimulation. Residents find a vibrant social life, which aids greatly in dealing with depression and anxiety. Emergency assistance is right on the other side of the door at all times. Many find that such a residence can address all the challenges of living Parkinson’s at once and that they can spend their days focusing on the high quality of life possible when body, mind and spirit are well cared for.

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As people grow older and their care requirements evolve, there may come a point where transitioning from assisted living to a nursing home is needed. Making this choice can be tough as it involves weighing factors, like health, safety and overall well being. In this article we discuss the different considerations for determining the time to switch from assisted living to a nursing home, the process of transitioning, and how Seniors Blue Book can serve as a valuable resource during this transition. Key Factors to Keep in MindHealthcare Needs; One crucial aspect is assessing the individuals healthcare needs. If the person requires medical attention and monitoring beyond what assisted living offers, moving to a nursing home might be more suitable.Activities of Daily Living (ADLs); It's important to evaluate whether the individual can independently carry out daily activities like bathing, dressing and using the toilet. If these tasks become too challenging in an assisted living setting, opting for a nursing home with enhanced care could be necessary.Safety Considerations; Safety plays a role in this decision making process. If a person faces a risk of falls or other mishaps due to cognitive limitations they might require the level of supervision and safety measures provided in a nursing home.Caregiver Fatigue; When family members or assisted living caregivers feel overwhelmed from the responsibilities of looking after someone it could signal the need to consider moving them to a nursing home where their care requirements can be better addressed. The Transition JourneyMoving from living to a nursing home can be intricate and emotional. Here are some steps to think about...Evaluation; It's important to conduct an assessment of the individuals care needs to determine if transitioning to a nursing home is the decision.Communication; Maintaining honest communication with the individual, family members and healthcare providers is crucial throughout this transition phase. Planning; Thoughtful planning plays a role in ensuring a transition. This may involve coordinating with nursing home staff facilitating the transfer of records and organizing the persons belongings.Support; Providing support for both the individual and their family members is vital during this period. Counseling sessions and participation, in support groups can offer assistance.Adaptation; It's crucial to give the person time to get used to their environment and daily routine at the nursing home. How Seniors Blue Book Can Be of Assistance:Seniors Blue Book serves as a source of information for individuals and families navigating the transition from assisted living to a nursing home. Here's how Seniors Bluebook can offer support: Extensive Directory; Seniors Blue Book presents a directory of nursing homes providing information on services, facilities, costs and contact details. This directory helps individuals and families in finding a nursing home that aligns with their requirements and preferences.Professional Advice; Seniors Blue Book offers expert advice and resources to guide individuals and families through the transition process. Their team of professionals can offer tailored recommendations based on needs and preferences.Educational Materials; Seniors Blue Book provides materials and articles covering topics related to nursing home care, including the transition process, caregiver assistance well as legal and financial planning. These resources assist individuals and families in making informed decisions regarding nursing home care. To sum up the decision to transition from assisted living to a nursing home one should consider factors such as healthcare needs, activities of living (ADLs), safety considerations, as well, as caregiver stress levels.Seniors Bluebook is a resource that provides information and support to assist individuals and families in navigating this difficult transition, with assurance.  

Credit shelter trusts

A credit shelter trust is an estate-planning strategy for married couples. This type of trust may provide control over the assets for the creator of the trust and tax efficiency for the surviving spouse and beneficiaries. It is also sometimes known as a bypass trust or family trust. A credit shelter trust allows you to set aside a certain portion of your assets upon your death. There are a variety of reasons to discuss a credit shelter trust with your estate-planning attorney. Control over assets The spouse who sets up the trust can determine how the assets will be distributed. The surviving spouse can receive income and principal from the trust during his or her lifetime. When he or she passes away, the remaining amount in the trust goes to the beneficiaries designated by the spouse who created the trust. This type of trust can be helpful in cases where the creator of the trust wants to control the distribution of the assets after his or her death. This is common with second or later marriages, where the creator of the trust has his or her own children and would like for them to inherit their separate assets. Creditor claims protection A credit shelter trust can help protect assets from claims by divorcing spouses, spouses from subsequent marriages and creditors. Generally, creditors cannot access the principal in the trust to meet their claims against the trust beneficiaries. Federal estate tax exclusion A credit shelter trust allows a married couple to benefit from the federal estate tax exclusion of the first spouse to die so trust assets are sheltered from future estate tax. Any growth or appreciation of those assets while in the trust is similarly protected from estate tax. A portability provision gives married couples a chance to save an unused exclusion amount without a credit shelter trust (see Federal Estate Tax and Portability in the blue section to the right). However, assets passed via portability are not protected from generation-skipping transfer (GST) taxes, nor do they have the control or creditor protection advantages of a credit shelter trust. State estate tax exclusion Several states have their own state estate tax in addition to the federal estate tax. A credit shelter trust may be the only option to use the state estate tax exclusion of the first spouse to die. Federal estate tax and portability The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 updated the federal estate tax exclusion amount and provided for occasional increases to offset inflation. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in 2017 made increases to the exclusion amount through 2025. In 2024, you may be able to transfer up to $13.61 million (up from $12.92 million in 2023) at your death free from federal estate tax. Any amount exceeding the exclusion can be taxed up to 40%. The portability provision states that when a person passes away, the surviving spouse may retain the deceased spouses unused exclusion amount. For instance, if a husband dies in 2024, his wife may be able to use their full $27.22 million exclusion (up from $25.84 million in 2023) without planning for it. There are certain tax-filing requirements that must be satisfied to take advantage of this option. You should talk with your qualified tax advisor about your situation. Proactive planning can help ensure you have control over your estate and benefit from tax- saving strategies. You may think the portability provision means you dont need to plan to protect your legacy and reduce estate tax; however, that may not necessarily be the case. Although portability, in some situations, may provide advantages to some married couples, considering a credit shelter trust could have benefits for you and your family. You should work with your estate-planning attorney and tax advisor to determine the appropriate plan for you. Portability (transfer to spouse) Credit shelter trust The surviving spouse has full access and control over all the assets. The spouse who sets up the trust designates the beneficiaries. The surviving spouse and/or other beneficiaries may receive benefits from the assets in the trust during their lifetimes. Growth of the assets may be subject to estate taxes when the surviving spouse dies. Growth of the assets in the trust generally is not taxed for estate tax purposes upon the death of the surviving spouse. Assets can be subject to creditor claims. Assets are typically protected from creditor claims. Assets may be subject to state estate taxes. Assets may not be subject to state estate taxes. All assets, including those from the first spouse to die, generally get a full step-up in cost basis at the surviving spouses death. Assets do not get a step-up in cost basis at the surviving spouse's death. Portability exclusion does not apply to federal GST taxes. With proper planning, assets may not be subject to GST taxes. What is a step-up in cost basis? Cost basis generally is the price you paid for an asset. If you buy a stock for $5 per share, your basis is $5. If you still own that stock at death and the fair market value is $10, your estate may get a step-up in basis to the fair market value at your death. So, your estate holds the stock with a $10 basis, allowing your estate to pass assets to your beneficiaries at the new basis or to sell the asset, potentially without capital gain. This typically means less income tax burden for your beneficiaries as they inherit your assets. Review your plan regularly During the past 10 years, estate tax laws have constantly changed. Thats why its important to remain diligent when working toward your long-term investing and estate goals. Its important to review your estate plan every three to five years. You should also review it when changes in estate tax law occur or when your life circumstances change, such as a birth, marriage, divorce or death in the family. Chad Choate III, AAMSTM Financial Advisor 828 3rd Ave W Bradenton, FL 34205-8665 941-462-2445 Your estate-planning attorney, tax advisor and financial advisor can work with you to determine whats best for your situation.  

Local Services By This Author

The Windsor of Venice

Assisted Living 1600 Center Rd., Venice, Florida, 34292

The Windsor of Venice has been providing an exceptional quality of services and environment to our residents for over nine years and awarded "Best of the Best" each year. We are owned and operated by a pioneer in assisted living and were recently recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the best places to work in senior living. Our tenured team was recognized by a national survey company as scoring in the top 10% in satisfaction survey ratings nationwide. We urge you to visit us prior to making a decision to find out more about what makes us different and special.

The Windsor of Venice

Memory Care 1600 Center Rd., Venice, Florida, 34292

For over nine years, The Windsor of Venice has been dedicated to providing exceptional quality services and environments for our residents, earning the 'Best of the Best' award annually. As pioneers in assisted living and recently acknowledged by Forbes Magazine as one of the best places to work in senior living, we take pride in our tenured team, recognized in the top 10% nationwide for satisfaction survey ratings by a national survey company. Before making a decision, we encourage you to visit us and discover what sets us apart and makes us truly special